Kamis, 10 November 2011

looking for a friend

this is my first entry (while i'm listening to TRAX-Blind)

around six years ago i have a friend who always took good care of me

we met when i was in 8th grade
we shared a room together with other twenty people,
well, i was in boarding school back then
at first i thought she was a mean and scary
then i found out that she was a humble and caring person
we're being friends and since then we used to share our story before sleep

i remember when her parents visited her, they always brought her food
she always shared it with me and others
when i was sick, she always took good care of me
she was a beautiful and diligent person

until junior high graduation did us apart
i couldn't reach her
in boarding school we're not allowed to bring cellphone
so we didn't get a chance to get each other number
my senior high was no longer in boarding school and so was she
i couldn't ask my other friends who still in boarding about her
maybe because they already forget about other who didn't get along with them anymore
i remember one time that she has a two year-age difference younger sister
while i have a year-age difference younger sister who both were in same boarding with me and my friend
but i always forgot to ask my sister asking my friend cells number to her sister
it's kind of complicated,right?

i've been looking for her in google,facebook,twitter,youtube (hoping that she made one of those accounts)
it's been six years until just now i'm sort of finding her blog
i don't know whether is she or not,
but i'm still hoping to be able to catch up her story by message, phone or even meet her
why? because until right now she is the best friend i ever had
no one ever be nicer to me compared to her

i'm afraid that i can't get a chance to contact or meet her again
i'm sure i will regret it
i miss u a lot my friend
hope we can meet someday

(to my dearest friend Dian Safitri Muthi'ah (mba ian) Sragen MTs Ngruki
wish u still remember me)